It All Started With a Leap of Faith...

And a seemingly impossible dream. With the odds stacked against us and a history of self-sabotage, multi-generational trauma, people-pleasing, addiction and abuse to overcome...

We turned sh*tty circumstances and oppressive energy into once-in-a-lifetime opportunities and dream-come-true manifestations. 

And then we did it again.
And again, and again.

it's not what you're doing or saying that matters most...

Have fun. Laugh. Sing. Make someone's day. Make my own. Listen to music. Create. Think. Play with my dogs, talk to my fam & friends, laugh at myself, again. Sleep.

daily rituals

Camping. Cleaning. Dancing and singing. Overthinking then Journaling. Laughing and loving every season of this life. Repeat. 


Hiding behind a mask. Over-thinking. Waiting in line. Sitting out on the sidelines because, what will people think? (the right people don't judge you anyway).


Real conversations. Love over everything. Wearing the outfit, even if it doesn't match. Dancing like everyone is watching (& not caring).


childhood dreams. Like becoming the FIRST student from her high school to go to an Ivy League college, and becoming an award-winning playwright debuting her first full-length play on an Off-Broadway stage, before she even graduated.

And now I love nothing more, than bringing that energy and creativity, the  imagination and child-like wonder of 'what could be,' to my client's and students businesses.

There's nothing like breathing new life and originality into what could have been just bland, and boring. 

So let me officially welcome you to my world, dahling. This is where boring and uninspiring businesses go to die, and fairytale success stories are born. xo. 

All of my rock-bottom moments left me with a superpower. To see beyond the limitations of the 3D and help people co-create the life and business of their childhood dreams. 

It who you're BEING (or the energy you EMBODY) that creates miraculous, odds-defying, extra-ordinary results. 

Like manifesting famous clients my year in business (Deepak Chopra's team my FIRST DAY), crushing sales records and coaching hundreds of students and clients to do the same.  I'm talking consistently hitting double, triple and 5x sales and conversion and in record time.

And then channelling that success, into helping my daughter live the life of HER

Welcome, to a new dimension of sales and marketing.

fat boy slim. really.


nothing. freeeeedoooomm


11 books, yes, 11


diet mt dew (i know)


Maniac or The O.A. (again)



My Favorite Things

Traveling — especially to Puerto Rico. I'm obsessed with the authenticity and beauty and learning more about the Taino culture.

my happy place!

In nature! It's where I feel most alive and get my best ideas!

Goodwill and thrift store shopping! There is nothing like the thrill of giving a second life to a sweet vintage or antique find at 1/50th the vintage shop prices! (Ayyyyy).

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

my guilty pleasure

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.




no TOPSheet






night owl





Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


Another gal who worked with Debb... nearly tripled her revenue- again, in about a 30-day time period.


so they say:

If you want to bust out of a sales slump faster than P Diddy tried to flee the country, you need to see sales DIFFERENTLY (through the lens of PHILOSOPHY). (Trust me, it’s not boring, it’s mind-altering). With the side effect of blow-ya-mind, jaw-dropping, easy and fun AF sales practices. 

$hift $h*tty $ales 
(like $ocrates)?!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

let's work together

In case you haven't noticed. I'm a call-it-how-I-see it, straight-shooter. I believe in running after your dreams (not chasing clients). Ain't nobody got time for that. Not where I'm going. So, don't be afraid to drop me a line, slide into my DM"s (I think that's how you say it?)

did we just become best friends?